Playing with Wikipedia

Sometimes I like to write bits of code that poke Wikipedia, its fun and the data is a great way to start a conversation with people. I recently teamed up with the pro wrestling fans of Reddit to find out information on wrestling stables, we did this using the structured Read more…

Ric Flair Promotion Jumps

I posted an experiment on a wrestling subreddit a few days where I used DBpedia to explore the links between wrestling stables/ .To my surprise wrestling fans are really interested in the things you can find out using structured data from wikipedia. I was contacted by a graphic  designer asking Read more…

Sim University 5 Game Review

  You know those people who establish dynasties so powerful that their names echo through the centuries? I am one of them. – El Vice Chancellor Sim University (U.S name: Theme University) is a series of hit real-time strategy simulation games created and developed by a one man indie outfit. Read more…

MySQL to sqlite

I’m currently writing bits of code to tell stories using a variety different data sources; one of my aims is to make the storytelling experience cross platform. My project started life as a web based thing and I see if I could move some of it over to a mobile Read more…
